Choosing a Surge Suppressor or UPS

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A surge suppressor is designed to protect your computer equipment from power fluctuations and voltage spikes which are caused by unpredicted incidents. A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a back-up system designed to save your work during unexpected power outages.

It is very important that you protect your computer from possible electrical damage.

Click here to view surge suppressors.

Unplug your computer during bad weather since your over voltage protector will not protect your computer system against direct lightning hits.

If you are using a modem to connect to the Internet, be sure to get a protector with a telephone jack included so as to minimize over voltage which could damage your modem.

Click here to look at a variety of power protection products.

A power surge, also known as transient voltage is an increase in voltage whch is considerably more than the allowed level.

A suppressor is not as capable to protect your computer system as a UPS system would.

UPS Emergency Backup System:

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is a backup system which will constantly provide power to your computer system in the event of a power outage. It consists of an internal battery and an inverter that produces AC voltage.

A UPS will help to guard your system against voltage fluctuations, spikes and brown-outs. It will also protect your computer system and valuable data if there are fluctuations in power and during power outages.

Click here to view UPS products.

The back-up system software automatically saves and closes open files when power is interrupted and shuts down the computer system in an orderly manner.

Final Thoughts:

The above surge suppressor/UPS is for an average computer system. If you have a system that requires more backup power, you can always opt for a more powerful backup system.

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